3 Things You Can Take Control of Today
While the world is indeed still spinning around, sometimes it seems as if it is spinning out of control. The feelings of uncertainty and anxiety you may be experiencing during this time are valid. But it’s our hope that we can help you feel a better sense of security and control. Here is a list of three main things you can always take control of:
Your Headspace
Mindset plays a large factor in the quality of your daily life. No matter what is happening to you, in the world or to the people around you… You are always in control of your attitude, as well as the energy you put forth through effort. There will be times where it feels like the quest for happiness is a battle. But if you look for the good, the good will begin to appear more frequently.
How You Treat Your Body
If you sink into the couch with a bag of chips and pull the covers over your head to avoid the situation at hand, you’re sure to feel sluggish and irritable. Things will likely feel more and more out of your control… But when you make a habit of eating nourishing foods, drinking all the water your body needs, getting ample sleep each night and moving your body daily you will begin to have the energy to push through the day and thrive… no matter what stands in your way.
Your Intake of Media
This one might be the easiest in our opinion. If the news coverage or what you’re seeing as you scroll your social media feeds is bringing negative thoughts… shut it off or limit your intake. If you have trouble doing this on your own, your phone may have tools to help you set daily limits for certain apps or app categories. Take a stand and say “no” to things that don’t bring you positive fulfillment.
The fight to feel control doesn’t need to be so challenging when you lead your life with intention. For more positive insight, check out our article on Finding Joy in Times of Uncertainty. As always, your Cambria Mortgage family is here to help you… now and into the future.